UPV Teaching and Learning Resource Center

University of the Philippines Visayas


TLRC 26th Anniversary: Expanding Our Horizons

In celebration of its 26th anniversary with the theme, “Expanding our Horizons”, the UPV Teaching and Learning Resource Center is inviting everyone to its various programs and activities.

Check out each pubmat for details of the activities we have in store this April 26-28, 2023.

Mechanics for TeleBingo

  1. The TeleBingo is open to all UPV Constituents (students, faculty, staff). To pre-register to TeleBingo, one must fill out the official TeleBingo registration form: https://forms.gle/p4asYUugUs5NDwGFA . Registration is FREE.
  2. The TLRC will provide the Bingo cards to the players on the day of the event. Only the Bingo cards provided by the TLRC will be accepted in the game. The Bingo cards should be used for the entire game.
  3. For the game proper, there will be four (4) rounds with players aiming for a specific pattern. The patterns will be revealed by the TLRC during the event. A Bingo number generator app will be utilized in the event.
  4. The first one to shout “BINGO!” will be declared the winner.
  5. The winners for each pattern (or round) will receive a cash prize of Php 1,000.00

Parang Quiz Bee na Parang Hindi (so Quiz Bee nga?)

  1. This competition is open to all officially enrolled UPV students. Students may register as an Academic Organization, Student Organization, or Peer Group. To register, please click on the following link: https://forms.gle/hAjRuEbsQruwVcE68 . The deadline for registration is on Monday, April 24, 2023. Only the first 10 teams to register will be accommodated.
  2. Each team should have 3 members. No student is allowed to represent two or more teams.
  3. Upon registration, the team should already have a Team Name and list of members of the team. Substitution of members is only allowed before the competition proper.
  4. The quiz bee will cover general knowledge questions (natural sciences, general mathematics, social sciences, language, literature, history, pop culture, media, technology, sports, health, and the arts).
  5. The competition will have three rounds:

Elimination Round:
The elimination round will be a “classic quiz bee” round where teams will be given a board where they can write their answers.The composition of questions for the elimination round are: 5 easy questions, 5 average questions, 5 difficult questions. The top 5 scorers in the elimination round will continue to the semi-finals.

Only the top 5 scorers from the elimination round can qualify for the semi-finals. The semi-finals will be a “first to answer” round. The method for selecting who to answer first will be revealed during the competition (teaser: it will involve some sort of physical activity). The Semi-finals will consist of 10 average (5) and difficult (5) questions. Each question based on the category will have an appropriate point. The top 2 scorers in the semi-final round will move on to the finals.

Only the top 2 scorers from the Semi-finals can qualify for the finals. The finals will be a “choose your question” round wherein teams can choose their questions between average, difficult, and boss levels across different categories. The round will start off with an easy question and the first one to ring the buzzer will be given the opportunity to answer. Should the answer be correct, they will be given the privilege to choose the next question. Should the answer be incorrect, the other team can “steal”. The team to answer each question gets to choose the next one. The composition of the questions will be: 5 average level questions, 5 difficult level questions, 5 boss level questions.

In case of ties in any of the rounds, a lightning round tiebreaker will be facilitated.

The winners of the competition will receive the following prizes:

Champion – Php 2,000
Finalist – Php 1,500
Semi-finalists (3rd, 4th, and 5th place) – Php 500

Free Printing

  1. All officially enrolled UPV students for the Second Semester, AY 2022-23 can avail of the free printing.
  2. Free printing is applicable only for black printing; color printing is not included.
  3. Each student must present his/her UPID card and can avail of maximum 50 pages FREE printing (this is non-transferable and non-commutable) during the duration of the Free Printing activity.

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