UPV Teaching and Learning Resource Center

University of the Philippines Visayas



News Category

UPV TLRC celebrates 27th Anniversary Celebration

The University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) Teaching and Learning Resource Center (TLRC) is celebrating its 27th anniversary with a three-day series of activities, including an opening program held on 22 April 2024, open house, and pasalamat. Its anniversary theme is “Making Waves, Dreaming Better.” In his opening message, Dr. Clement Camposano, Chancellor of UPV, challenged the TLRC staff to work closely with University stakeholders to elevate its services in light of emerging technologies today. Dr. Alice Joan G. Ferrer, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, recalled what the TLRC was like during her time as a newly hired faculty of the University in her message. TLRC OIC Director Asst. Prof. Katherine Valencia presented the accomplishments of the unit in 2023, which include seven major activities that enriched teaching and learning, 133 usage of the TLRC AVR and MILC AVR, and 2,520 computer usage of students, faculty, and staff. TLRC also had three collaborations with other UPV units, including the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Human Resources Development Office. Their collaborations made the following possible: Seminar-Workshop on Institution of Minor Programs, Orientation for New Faculty Members, and Minor Program Curricular Proposals Writing Workshop. The unit extended its gratitude to members of the faculty, who acted as resource speakers in its seminars and workshops. It also recognized the selfless contributions of TLRC’s 17 student tutors for the peer tutorial program, four of whom graduated with honors. In total, 18 tutees benefited from the program. She also highlighted the services available at the TLRC, which include ring binding, printing and photocopying, the TLRC Bigtime Access Card, computer use, Studio, and lamination, all designed to help students in their academic requirements. Looking ahead, Valencia and the staff of TLRC aim to become UPV’s Center for Advancement of Teaching and Learning as a teaching and learning support unit. Written by GT Mabilog, IPOPhotos by Gian Genoveza, IPO

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4th TLRC Teach SMART highlights teaching principles, humanizing education

The UP Visayas Teaching and Learning Resource Center recently conducted the fourth iteration of its Teach SMART Program that focused on the “principles of teaching” and “humanizing education” as core topics on November 16-17, 2023, at the UPV MILC, College of Arts and Sciences building. Teach SMART, a short name for “Teaching Strategies, Methods, Approaches, Rudiments, and Theories” is a training-workshop categorized as one of the Teaching Effectiveness Programs of the TLRC and was first conducted in 2021, following the shift to the online learning set up and was meant to train faculty members on the different approaches in teaching in a dynamic learning landscape. The November 2023 run was the first full face-to-face implementation of the program and focused on different teaching principles and their applications inside the classroom, and the concept and practice of humanizing education. Education experts from the faculty pool of the Division of Professional Education – UP High School in Iloilo namely, Asso. Prof. Dominique Maquiran, Asst. Prof. Jeena Amoto, and Asst. Prof. Donne Jone Sodusta were invited as resource speakers for the two-day training-workshop. Throughout the program, the 24 faculty participants from different colleges, divisions, departments, and institutes were introduced to the tripartite role of UP educators and different models of education followed by a workshop wherein they had to craft a teaching philosophy that will serve as their own personal guiding statement throughout their continuous service as teachers in the university. They were also introduced to the different learning theories, models, strategies, methods, and skills for teaching and learning, and assessment techniques. Part of the training workshop was for faculty members to develop assessment matrices for the courses they are handling. The second day of the training-workshop focused on the topic humanizing education where faculty members were provided a space for conversation about different practices on addressing inequity inside the classroom. It proved to be an enriching discourse as faculty members were able to share the different strategies they practice in their own respective classes. The program was indeed an enriching experience for faculty members as they not only got to listen to the knowledge of the education experts, but they also had a space for meaningful discourse on the challenges they face and gained new insights on how to address these challenges.

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Rest in Paradise, Dr. Ticao!

The UPV Teaching and Learning Resource Center would like to extend its deepest sympathy to the family of Dr. Cynthia Ticao. Her words, teaching philosophy, and dedication to the enrichment of the teaching and learning experience in the university serve as inspiration for the continued growth of the office. Her legacy as the first TLRC director lives on.

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UPV TLRC, OVCAA, LMS Team kick sem off with LMS Orientation

In the continued conduct of remote learning in UP Visayas, faculty members and students reflect a need to be oriented on the tools that make learning possible in the online setup. To help newly-hired and returning faculty members as well as students adjust to the virtual learning environment, the Teaching and Learning Resource Center, in collaboration with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the team in-charge of the Learning Management System of UP Visayas conducted the semestral LMS Orientation on August 23, 2023. The morning session was facilitated for the newly-hired and returning faculty members of the university wherein they were oriented on the basic functions and features of the LMS such as step-by-step processes for uploading course materials and creating activities through the LMS. The afternoon session, on the other hand, was dedicated to the first year students where they were taught how to upload assignments, participate in quizzes, and navigate their respective course sites. Prof. Nilo Araneta, Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs-LMS and Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences served as one of the resource speakers and provided an overview of the LMS. Mr. Karch Malaga, a member of the University’s LMS Team, was also one of the resource speakers. In his demonstration of the LMS, Mr. Malaga taught the participants how to utilize the LMS to fit their needs, whether they are faculty members in charge of the course site or students using the LMS to participate in the course. The OVCAA and the LMS Team serve as partners of the UPV TLRC with programs related to the Learning Management System since it was created in the year 2020 following the COVID-19 pandemic and transition to remote learning.

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TLRC Bridge Program welcomes incoming freshies

The UPV Teaching and Learning Resource Center welcomed participants of the Bridge Program in English and Mathematics on their “first taste” of UP education on July 31, 2023. The Bridge Program, conducted by the Teaching and Learning Resource Center, is held annually and aims to bridge the gap between senior high school exit skills and college-level entry skills of incoming first year students in English and Mathematics and spanned across two weeks, July 31 – August 14, 2023, just before the semester’s official opening. The Bridge Program of the Teaching and Learning Resource Center was conducted in collaboration with the Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics and the Division of Humanities of the College of Arts and Sciences. Select faculty members from said Divisions served as faculty tutors of the Bridge Program: DPSM faculty for the Math course, and Humdiv faculty for the English course. This year, for the first time ever since its launch in 1997, the Bridge Program strayed from its tradition of welcoming only those who are tagged by the UP Office of Admission as “bridgers” and invited non-”bridgers” to the program as well. At the end of the hurdle, 24 bridgers for Math and 18 bridgers for English across different degree programs completed the two-week program and started their UPV journey as official Iskolars ng Bayan.

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