UPV Teaching and Learning Resource Center

The Bridge Program is an intensive general skills development and enrichment course in Mathematics and/or English designed to bridge the gap between exit skills at Senior High School level and entry skills of incoming college first year students. The UP Grade (based on UPCAT or UPCA) determines the students who will enroll in this program. Only those who have been tagged by the UP Office of Admissions and/or UPV Office of the University Registrar as “bridgers” can participate in the program.

This July 23-August 5, 2024, the UP Visayas Teaching and Learning Resource Center will be conducting the Bridge Program in English and Mathematics for selected incoming first year students of AY 2024-2025.

Students who have been identified as “Bridgers” should confirm their attendance by filling out the form below. The deadline for confirmation will be on July 22, 2024.

This year, Bridge Program will be delivered through face-to-face mode at UP Visayas Miagao Campus.


In 1997, UP Visayas started the Summer Bridge Program in Miagao. In 1998, it was implemented in two other UPV campuses: Tacloban and Cebu.

It is a requirement for admission to UP Visayas (per UP Board of Regents 1156th meeting)

If you have been identified as a "bridger", YES - you are required to attend the Bridge Program as the BP Completion is an admission requirement in your case.

The UPG (i.e. UPCAT score) is the basis for identifying students who need to undergo the BP Program.

The TLRC has coordinated with the Residential Services Unit of UPV and bridgers can avail of dormitory accommodation (to those who have indicated so through the Google Form) for a small dormitory fee.

Note: beddings should be provided by the students.

The Bridge Program is a required course for those who have been identified as bridgers. Therefore, there is a need to complete the entire program.

Specifically, it aims to:

  • Bridge the gap between exit skills at secondary level and entry skills for the firts year at UP;
  • Upgrade student capacity in Mathematics and English.

On the first day there will be a general orientation to be followed by a Diagnostic Exam. The days after will be a series of refresher lectures and assessment activities.

No, your performance in the assessment activities will not affect your admission (i.e. you can still enroll in UPV even if you fail the assessment activities). However, as per required, you still need to attend the day-to-day activities as part of the completion of the program.

The schedule for classes will be as follows: half a day for English for two weeks, and half a day for Mathematics for two weeks.

The Bridge Program will be delivered face-to-face here in Miagao. Online activities are yet to be identified, should there be any.

  • You will be given a "Certificate of Completion";
  • But for those who failed to meet the Passing Score (60% of the Final Exams), you will be recommended to attend a Tutorial Program.


To all English and Math Bridgers of the UPV Bridge Program 2024, please take note of these dates.

  • July 23 | 10:30 AM – Opening Ceremony and Orientation (Venue: MILC Audio-visual Room, College of Arts and Sciences Basement)
  • July 23 | 1:00 PM – Diagnostic Examination (Venue: To be announced)
  • July 24 – August 2 – Bridging Classes (Venue: Assigned Bridge Program Classroom)
  • August 5 – Final Examination and Closing Program (Venue: To be announced)



TLRC Office, CUB Basement,
UPV Miagao

Office Hours

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Monday – Friday

Contact us

Phone: (033) 315-8908 local 248
Email: lrc.upvisayas@up.edu.ph

SPF Survey

The Teaching and Learning Resource Center invites all UPV constituents (students, faculty, staff, and REPS) to answer its SPF 2024 Survey, a survey dedicated to help the TLRC grasp specific needs of the UPV clients with regards to its services, programs, and facilities. Responses on this survey would allow the TLRC gain insights on how to improve its service delivery, delivery of programs, and utilization of facilities. Help us enrich your teaching and learning experience. Answer the TLRC SPF2024 Survey through this link: