Amended Guidelines on the use of TLRC Facilities
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) was established primarily as a systematic academic and psychosocial support program for the Excellence-Equity Admissions System (EEAS) of UP. The Center is envisioned to provide students with necessary assistance that will further enhance their quality of life on campus. Its main task is to provide instructional support services to UP students to ensure that the goal of promoting academic excellence will be realized in a more caring and nurturing environment. It is to administer assistance programs designed not only for freshmen but also for all other students in the University.
The LRC was put up in the Miagao and Iloilo City campuses under the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs in 1997, as integral part of the University’s democratization initiative. Its function was to maintain academic standards through instructional and enrichment programs. One of these is the Summer Bridge Program (SBP) which has been providing tutorial services for students. Through the years, the Center has found also the need to provide support structures that would improve teaching competence. In collaboration with the Division of Professional Education, College of Arts and Sciences, it has conducted workshops/seminars on teaching principles and methods. It has likewise made available resource materials on teaching through a newsletter and a Teaching Excellence library.
The vision, mission, functions, and programs of the LRC have evolved to cater to needs of the students as well as of the faculty. Because of the expansion of the Center’s functions and programs, the UP Board of Regents approved the renaming of the Learning Resource Center (LRC) to Teaching and Learning Resource Center (TLRC) in its 1251st meeting held on 23 November 2009. In its 1259th meeting on 27 August 2010, the BOR integrated the Interactive Learning Center (ILC) into the TLRC.
The Interactive Learning Centers (ILCs) in the different CUs were established by the BOR on 25 September 2003. The functions of the ILCs were: to produce multimedia materials, monitor and evaluate instructional multimedia projects, ensure the accessibility of materials to students and faculty, organize training sessions on instructional technologies, maintain and upgrade equipment and facilities, and enforce policies that ensure the quality of materials. UPV has an ILC in the main campus of Miagao and another at UPV Tacloban.
At present, the TLRC has three major programs and services, namely: the Learning and Instructional Assistance Program, Teaching Enhancement Program, and Interactive Learning Program.
The Learning and Instructional Assistance Program (LIAP) includes the Summer Bridge Program classes, computer and Internet access, tutorial services, instructional modules, photocopying and printing services, and book and movie clubs. The Teaching Enhancement Program (TEP) provides training on teaching principles, methods and strategies, the Speak to Us of Teaching newsletter, the Teaching Excellence library, and the Peer Review of Teaching program. The Interactive Learning Program (ILP) offers Learning Object (LO) design and evaluation, technical assistance and services to faculty, teacher training on LO and digital instructional materials development.
Guidelines for the Use of TLRC Support Services and Facilities
1. All bonafide UPV students with UPV Identification Card can avail
themselves of the TLRC services.
2. All business should be transacted with the TLRC staff only.
TLRC Support Services
The TLRC provides systematic academic support services to faculty members and students of UPV. All users should strictly observe the rules for these support services.
Use of the Audio-Visual Rooms (AVRs)
For classes:
1. All classes can use the audio-visual rooms of the TLRC and ILP. Those with 50 or more students can use the ILP AVR while those with 49 or fewer students can use the TLRC-AVR. Each class can use the AVR for only 3 sessions in a semester. These sessions should follow the official class schedules.
2. Audio – Visual Room (AVR) Use Form may be obtained from TLRC or ILP offices.
3. The faculty-in-charge of the class should file the reservation 5 working days prior to date of use.
4. Confirmation of reservation must be done by the faculty-in-charge 3 working days prior to date of use.
5. The faculty-in-charge must be present on the date of use. NO FACULTY, NO USE.
6. Postponement or cancellation of reservation is considered served.
7. All learning materials and films should be tested one day before the scheduled date.
For student organizations, UPV offices, and other requesting parties:
1. Accomplish the Audio – Visual Room (AVR) Use Form and pay the corresponding fees at the UPV cashier’s office at least three (3) days before the scheduled day of use.
2. Ensure that all facilities and equipment are in good condition after use. For any damage to equipment or facilities caused by negligence of the user, the total cost of the repair shall be charged to the exclusive account of the requesting party. When damage is no longer repairable, the requesting party should replace the damaged facility or equipment with a new one (with exactly the same specifications) within one (1) month from date of the incident.
3. Observe cleanliness and orderliness in the premises during the activity
Use of Computer
1. All officially enrolled students are entitled to 30 hours free use of computer per semester.
2. Students will be admitted on a first-come-first-served basis. No reservations are allowed.
3. Internet use is strictly for academic purposes only.
4. The staff-in-charge must be informed before a document is printed.
5. Documents must be saved in personal flash drives. The TLRC is not responsible for lost files.
Use of Kindle E-Book Reader
1. Only bonafide UPV students, faculty and staff may use/borrow the Kindle e-book readers.
2. The user/borrower must present a valid UPV ID and fill-out the borrower’s agreement form.
3. The use of Kindle e-book readers is first-come, first-served basis, ROOM USE only; reservation is not allowed. The Kindle e-book readers can be borrowed for a maximum of 3 hours; renewable for another 3 hours, provided that the device is available and must not be left UNATTENDED.
4. The use of the Kindle e-book readers is for academic and research purposes only.
5. Tampering or any attempt to download or upload additional e-books or software is not allowed unless there is permission from TLRC.
6. The user is held responsible for damage, loss, or theft of the Kindle e-book and its accessories upon check out. In case of damage, loss, or theft, the user will have to replace the Kindle e-book reader with the same model or its equivalent.
7. The user and the staff-in-charge must agree that the Kindle e-book reader is in proper working condition before and after use.
8. Non-compliance of the above guidelines means forfeiture of the privilege of borrowing the Kindle e-book readers.
Use of the Interactive Classroom
The Interactive Classroom (IC) is primarily for the use of UPV GE classes and of other courses with interactive learning materials.
Borrowing of Learning Module, Book or Film
1. The student must be officially enrolled with validated UPV ID.
2. He/ She must choose a learning module, book or film from the shelf and fill out the borrower’s form.
3. He/ She must present the materials to be borrowed and UPV ID to the staff-in-charge.
4. Learning module and book may be borrowed for two (2) weeks; films may be borrowed for one (1) week.
5. Sanctions may be imposed for late return of learning module, book, or film.
Printing and Photocopying
1. Only UPV clients can avail themselves of the TLRC printing and photocopying services.
2. Printing and photocopying services are on a first-come-first-served basis.
3. The schedule for printing and photocopying must be strictly observed.
Recreational Learning Materials
1. To borrow the recreational learning materials, the student must present his/ her validated UPV ID to the staff-in-charge.
2. Recreational learning materials are for room use only.
3. Students are allowed to play recreational learning materials in the students’ lounge only.
4. Proper handling of recreational learning materials should be strictly observed.
Care and Maintenance
All users of the TLRC facilities should STRICTLY observe the rules for care and maintenance.
Audio-Visual Rooms
1. Food and drinks are not allowed inside the TLRC and ILP audio-visual rooms.
2. All lights, multimedia projector, motorized projector screen, television set and airconditioning units must be switched off after use.
3. Chairs must not be transferred or taken out of the audio-visual rooms.
4. Chairs must be arranged in proper places after class.
5. Written markings on the white panel board must be erased after use.
6. All doors must be closed during and after the activity.
7. Microphones should not be tapped and must be handled with utmost care.
8. Wall drapes must not be moved and glass windows must not be opened.
9. Order and cleanliness must be maintained inside the audio-visual rooms.
Computer Room
1. Food and drinks are not allowed inside the computer room.
2. Computer and other accessories (keyboard, mouse, and UPS) must not be taken out of the computer room.
3. All lights, walls fans, ceiling fans and air-conditioning units must be switched off after use.
4. Chairs should be arranged properly after use.
Tutorial Booths
1. Food and drinks are not allowed inside the tutorial booths.
2. The tutorial booth is strictly for tutorial and reading purposes only.
3. Silence must be observed inside the tutorial booths.
Students’ Lounge
1. Food and drinks are not allowed inside the students’ lounge.
2. The lounge is both a study and recreation area.
3. Lights, wall fans and ceiling fans must be switched off after use.
4. Chairs, tables and settees must not be taken out of the students’ lounge.
5. Tables, chairs, and settees must be returned to their proper places after use.
Interactive Classroom
1. Food and drinks are not allowed inside the interactive classroom.
2. All computers, UPS, multimedia projector, motorized projector screen, airconditioning units, and lights must be switched off after the last class of the day.
3. Chairs, computer tables, and headsets must be put in their proper places after class.
4. Written markings on the white board panel must be erased after class.
5. The internet is for interactive learning lessons only.
6. Interactive learning materials must be virus-free and properly scanned before use.
7. Only the faculty-in-charge of each interactive class can operate the multimedia projector and the motorized projector screen.
Control Room
1. Food and drinks are not allowed inside the control room.
2. Students are not allowed inside the control room.
3. Only the TLRC technician can operate and use the equipment inside the control room.
4. Microphones, DVD player, headset and remote controls must not be taken out of the control room.
5. All lights and air-conditioning units must be switched off after use.
6. Tables and chairs must not be transferred or taken out of the control room.
Production Room
1. Food and drinks are not allowed inside the production room.
2. The production room is for the exclusive use of the University faculty, production designer, and TLRC technician.
3. All lights, UPS, printers and air-conditioning units must be switched off after use.
4. Tables and chairs must not be transferred or taken out of the production room.
5. Interactive learning materials must be virus-free and properly scanned before use.