The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA) and the Teaching and Learning Resource Center (TLRC) conducted a seminar-workshop on the institution of minor programs on 21-22 February 2023 at the College of Management Building, UPV Iloilo City Campus, synchronously via Zoom for the participants of UPV Tacloban College.
The seminar-workshop resonates with the BOR memorandum calling to “revisit, recreate, or reinvent” UP’s baccalaureate programs by instituting minor programs in response to current realities and challenges of the world.
The event was graced by Dr. Evangeline Amor, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs (Curriculum and Instruction), and Dr. Benito Pacheco, professor emeritus from UP Diliman Institute of Civil Engineering who served as resource speakers. Division chairs, program coordinators, and curriculum committee members attended the one-and-a-half-day activity.
The seminar-workshop aimed to orient UPV faculty members, especially chairs of curriculum committees on the guidelines for implementing minor programs at the baccalaureate level in the UP System, identify the minor programs (inside or outside the home units) to be instituted by the different degree-granting units of UPV, and review each of the UPV current programs for revision with minor programs as options.
During the first day of the activity, Dr. Pacheco, drawing from his experiences on the institution of minor programs at UP Diliman, presented inspiration and examples of minor programs across the UP System, while Dr. Amor discussed the guidelines for the implementation of minor programs.
The first day of the event was capped by the workshop proper wherein participants brainstormed on action plans for the institution of minor programs. Their workshop outputs were presented and discussed the following day by the respective curriculum committee and program representatives and heads of the different degree programs and colleges of the University.
The seminar-workshop marks yet another collaboration of the OVCAA and the TLRC in enriching the teaching and learning experience in UPV.