UPV Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Bridge Program 2022

Pagpupugay mga bagong Iskolar ng Bayan!

As we welcome you to the University of the Philippines Visayas, we also welcome you to the UPV Teaching and Learning Resource Center Bridge Program, which will be held virtually on August 10-25, 2022.

The Bridge Program is an intensive general skills development and enrichment course in Mathematics and/or English designed to bridge the gap between Senior High School level exit skills and college entry skills.

To the incoming first year students who were notified* by the Office of the University Registrar, please confirm your attendance to the Bridge Program by registering through this link: https://bit.ly/BPMERF

*only those who were notified by the Office of the University Registrar are REQUIRED to attend the bridge program. Those who were not notified will not be accommodated.

SPF Survey

The Teaching and Learning Resource Center invites all UPV constituents (students, faculty, staff, and REPS) to answer its SPF 2024 Survey, a survey dedicated to help the TLRC grasp specific needs of the UPV clients with regards to its services, programs, and facilities. Responses on this survey would allow the TLRC gain insights on how to improve its service delivery, delivery of programs, and utilization of facilities. Help us enrich your teaching and learning experience. Answer the TLRC SPF2024 Survey through this link: